It Takes a Hurricane ~ Recognizing & Reacting to Environmental Injustice

A comprehensive study completed by the Puerto Rico Climate Change Council in 2013 foreshadowed today's crisis with daunting accuracy ~ so how & why did we end up where we are today? A discussion on the slow violence of climate change and environmental injustice, through the lens of Puerto Rico.

Ways to (Significantly) Reduce Your Plastic Usage

If you have visited any beach anywhere, you’re well aware of humanity’s obvious presence, commonly presented in the form of assorted plastic garbage. Plastic bottles, garbage bags, toys, packaging, containers, micro-plastics… we are that annoying dog that pees on literally everything in sight, obsessively marking our territories with the new-age branding tool that is plastic. … Continue reading Ways to (Significantly) Reduce Your Plastic Usage

Bigger than Biotech ~ Our Global Food Crisis

“Agriculture is the world’s single largest driver of global environmental change… and at the same time, is most affected by these changes.” Genetically Modified Organism~ This dangerous combination of words evokes a multitude of explosive, contrasting reactions, usually evoking passionate discussion of the inescapable culinary doom of humanity, mentioning of corporate giants like Monsanto, intense confusion over what they are (evident in the video above), and various thoughts about corn.