It Takes a Hurricane ~ Recognizing & Reacting to Environmental Injustice

A comprehensive study completed by the Puerto Rico Climate Change Council in 2013 foreshadowed today's crisis with daunting accuracy ~ so how & why did we end up where we are today? A discussion on the slow violence of climate change and environmental injustice, through the lens of Puerto Rico.

A 4-Year-Old’s Thoughts on “Reusable” (but still Plastic) Bags

The ocean contains 5 trillion pieces of plastic, weighing over 260,000 tons, and it seems California has found a lasting solution to humanity’s plastic epidemic: a new and improved “reusable” plastic bag. Because the answer to less plastic, is more plastic ~ like when you give a drug addict more drugs, a shopping addict more … Continue reading A 4-Year-Old’s Thoughts on “Reusable” (but still Plastic) Bags